For more information regarding Shabbat Services
please contact the receptionist at 631-288-0534 ext. 210

Shabbat Parashat Pinchas

The Eruv Is Up

Rabbi Marc Schneier, Rabbi Avraham Bronstein

Cantor Netanel Hershtik, Maestro Izchak Haimov

Hampton Synagogue Choir

Friday, July 26

Candle-Lighting – 7:53pm

Evening Services – 7:00pm

Shabbat 3D Congregational Dinner – 8:00pm

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Leo Dee

“United Hatzalah – From Darkness To Light”

Greetings – Rep. Tom Suozzi (NY-3)

“2024 Elections”

Shabbat, July 27

Harav Moshe Feinstein on the Weekly Torah Portion – 8:30am

Rabbi Avraham Bronstein

Morning Services – 9:00am

followed by Congregational Kiddush Luncheon

Special prayers for the State of Israel, the Israel Defense Forces, and the many hostages held in captivity

Gan Gloria Camp Shabbat – 10:30am

Ages 3-11 | Jack’s House

Rabbi Marc Schneier will speak – 11:00am

What A Week to Be In Washington

Afternoon Sports | Ages 7-13 – 3:00pm

Rabbi Sean Jensen and professional coaches

Shabbat Afternoon Classes – 6:45pm

Talmud: Daf Yomi – Rabbi Avraham Bronstein

Comprehending our Liturgy – Reuben “The Haftorahman” Ebrahimoff

Mincha – 7:45pm

followed by Seudah Shlishit & Ma’ariv

D’var Torah – Rabbi Dr. Hank Sheinkopf

Havdalah – 8:53pm

Click here to recite Havdalah with Cantor Netanel Hershtik & the Maccabeats

Saturday Night Chill | Ages 13-17 – 9:30pm

Rabbi Sean Jensen and professional coaches

Sunday, July 28

Early Minyan – 8:00am

Morning Services – 9:00am

Global Breakfast Forum

Breakfast – 9:30am

Program – 10:00am

“Poland – 80 Years After The Holocaust”

H.E. Krzysztof Szczerski 

Ambassador of Poland to the United Nations

Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich

Warsaw, Poland

in conversation with Rabbi Marc Schneier

Evening Services – 7:00pm