The Tuchman Family Mikvah

A mikvah is a Jewish ritual bath designed for the purpose of immersion to achieve a state of purity. It has particular application for the observance of Jewish family purity and as part of the process of conversion to Judaism. The construction of a mikvah therefore reflects our dedication to the continued spiritual growth of our congregation, from generation to generation.

The Tuchman Family Mikvah has been gratefully established due to the magnanimous gift from Hampton Synagogue Honorary President Morris “Moish” & Judy Tuchman. Our mikvah features an artistically-designed ritual immersion bath, and luxurious preparatory and waiting rooms.

We are honored that Harav Yirmiyahu Katz, renowned as the leading authority on mikvah construction and maintenance in the United States, is our halachic consultant and supervising rabbi. The mikvah will be comprised of Bor al gabei bor, Bor betzad bor and Bor geshomim.

The formal dedication of our mikvah will take place on Independence Day weekend, Sunday, July 7.

The Hampton Synagogue Tuchman Family Mikvah Women's Committee

Edy Blady, Chair
Stephanie Basman
Tamira Hershtik
Tova Hirsch
Tzipora Hirsch
Heather Oppen
Shira Orbach
Jodi Weinstein


The mikvah stands on the Northwest corner of the Levin Family Children’s Campus. Please use the private entrance on Brook Road.


The Mikvah is open by appointment only.

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